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Laguna Park Mural Contest

Designs submitted by July 31 in person or via email


{Crescent Moon Project is a non-profit who’s mission is to bring free art services to the kids of Los Barriles. We aim to provide different art experiences continuously for our students. The mural that says “Los Barriles” at the entrance of town was painted by 11 of our students with the assistance of funds from many LB residents and on the ground painting help by volunteers. This was our first mural in town and a huge success.}


This new Mural -our second community painting- will be DESIGNED by children and PAINTED by children. 


Who: Kids who live in Los Barriles age 4-17

When: Designs must be submitted by July 31, 2022 in color! A photo of the design can be emailed to or a copy of the art can be brought to Homes and Land of Baja. Please include the child’s name and age with your what’s app contact information.

What: The mural theme is “What does community mean to you?” OR “What does Los Barriles mean to you?”

Where: The white wall at the back of the stage in La Laguna Park. 

Prize: The winning entry will receive an art supply kit for use at home valued at $2000 pesos!


After the entries have been collected a panel will pick 5 of the designs to be presented to the public for a vote. The voting will happen on LosBarriles.Life and be open for 2 weeks. Voting dates to be announced. 


The painting will be completed when hurricane season is over and before the beginning of the 2022-2023 Saturday Market season. More information to come about the painting details. 
















WhatsApp Image 2022-07-05 at 8.23.10 PM (1).jpeg

Brainstorm with your child:


What animals live here?

What events do we celebrate?

What is special about our town?

Who are the people here?

What are the jobs people have here?


Good Luck! We are looking forward to seeing the designs the children come up with. For inspiration we have included several murals here on this page from other cities! Just scroll down!


Priscilla Duran and Melissa McDonald

Crescent Moon Project together with Los Barriles.Life



How can I support this project?

Donations can be made via paypal to ATTN: Laguna Park Mural. If we receive more funds than needed for this mural we will invest the rest in free art for children in Los Barriles. Your support is always appreciated!


Do you need help with the painting?

Yes! We will need one adult per student painting! This will all be organized closer to the mural paint day. Here is a form to add your name to our volunteer list. On the list you can add your name to the DAY OF list or to the CONTINUED SUPPORT list! We are always in need of volunteers to get art into more hands!


Can students work together to submit a design?

Yes! All names, ages and contact information needs to be included on the submission. The prize will need to be split between the students. 

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