As we grow up, we collect experiences and memories that prepare us for adult life. Childhood is a treasured edge since it's there where the foundations of intelligence, personality, and social skills are created. This is why it's important to have quality programs available for children.
Generations change and it’s easy to see; today's children don't like the same things you used to like, they don't do the same things you used to do, and of course, they don't play the same games that you did. Maybe because it's a different world, maybe because it's a different life, certainly these days' technologies are the perfect excuse for children to be isolated and not socialize. I don't mean with people at parties, I mean with their families in their own homes.
As adults, we all come to understand and to see things in a different way than we did when we were kids. We’re grateful for the life we have, but if we could close our eyes and go back to when we were kids… Everyone has felt least once that no one could understand you or that you were not taken seriously enough because you were just a kid.
Though these experiences are a normal part of life, being involved in an artistic activity can help children handle difficult feelings in an effective way, and to express themselves peacefully.
A few months ago, I started thinking of schools or tutors I could find in the future for Luna (my 1-year-old baby) based on the things I wished I could have done and learned when I was a child growing up in Los Barriles. Things I couldn't do because back in the ‘90s this beautiful town was a very different place. There was no school of dance, no language academies, and certainly not an internet to use to learn something on your own. Surprisingly, 30 years later, we still don't have all these kinds of programs available for children. I realized too that Luna is not the only child in Los Barriles, so why not try to bring these programs to other children too?
"Art for Children" is going to be the first program of the Crescent Moon project, though in the future I hope we can include languages, dancing, and music as well. These programs will be completely free. All students will be e qual. No student will need to pay for anything. Families may donate but none is required. The funding wi8l depend primarily upon donations from our community.
Art promotes creativity and expression, art making at a young age has many benefits for kid - physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. We definitely need to take care of our children today since they are our neighbors, community members, and our leaders tomorrow.
If you would like to learn more about this project and/or help support it, please go to our page www.losbarriles.life/crescentmoon or contact me at priscilla@losbarriles.life
Hopefully, new programs will be added as soon as the new normality and your support can allow it. Of course, all the safety measures are being taken very seriously and children will be well protected.
I know we don’t have a magic wand to erase children's' obstacles (and even if we could, we probably shouldn't), but at least let's put in their hands an alternative way to express their emotions positively, especially during these difficult times of living in isolation.

Thank you so much for helping our children,
Priscilla Duran, from Café María and Club Rotario Los Barriles