Los Barriles.Life manages over 40 vacation rentals in and around Los Barriles. Here you will find all of our listings, utilize the search bar to find exactly what you need. Our mission is to make your vacation a dream come true. We will handle all the details.
Curious how you can become part of the Los Barilles.Life family? Check out our services!! Have questions, please reach out. We are happy to meet with you and discuss your goals for your property.
Crescent Moon Project began in 2021 to fill the void of arts and culture in schools. Art programs are not found in schools in Los Barriles. Priscilla Duran started Crescent Moon project to give free art classes to kids in Los Barriles. We are thriving and fully supported by donors! Take a minute to check out what the kids are up to and how you can help!
Priscilla is a licensed realtor with Homes and Land of Baja. She would be thrilled to show you around town and discuss the latest trends in real estate in Baja California Sur, Finding properties for sale with a vacation rental purpose is her expertise.
We love Los Barriles and want to share all of our favorite places with you! When you book a rental house with us, we send you all our secrets in an email before you arrive. But here you will find just a few of our favorites around town!
Let us take a minute to introduce ourselves! We take great pride in assuring you and your guests are well taken care of by our team.